[Coco] how add commands and functions to DECB

Aaron Wolfe aawolfe at gmail.com
Fri Apr 29 23:14:19 EDT 2011

That is a good article.  I was using a similar project from the
Rainbow as a guide for my attempts.

Since suggesting the addition of new commands for DW, a wise coconut
pointed out that rather than adding commands, a better approach would
be to integrate with BASIC's existing I/O system.  I really like this
alternate approach.  Rather than new, dedicated commands for DW I/O,
you could use PRINT #x, INPUT, etc with the 15 DriveWire channels
being individual device numbers.  This would allow some really neat

So.. now I am going stumble down the road towards this type of
implementation, and as always if anyone knows how to do this and wants
to help, your assistance is most welcome.


2011/4/29 Luis Fernández <luis46coco at hotmail.com>:
> Aaron was thinking about the help you need to implement and thought DECB
> commands in the software that comes with special keyboards, this software adds functionality
> to PRINT @, brings on error goto, auto repeat key, function keys and other utilities, such as page Hotcoco 43 December 1983.
> Perhaps doing reverse engineering know (or clarify) and do it well and without problems for the user,
> I have clear spaces that are free tokens for commands and which for functions. would be a matter of study.
> That's what we want it?
> --
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