[Coco] 1) NitrOS9 memory requirements? and 2) Using DLOAD with Linux serial ports

Darren A mechacoco at gmail.com
Mon Apr 11 16:38:40 EDT 2011

On 4/11/11, Eric Keppel wrote:
> Ok.  I wasn't worried about HDBDOS, since I figured it was being
> overwritten.  I just didn't know if NitrOS9 was supposed to run from ROM
> or if it was ok to take up valuable RAM.  I noticed that ROM paks are
> available with NitrOS9 on them from Cloud9, and was trying to decide if
> using one of those would give me more free memory to run NitrOS9
> programs or not over the way I am doing it presently.


I know that OS9 was rommable, but I don't if know if that is still the
case with NitrOS9.

According to the FAQ, Cloud 9's NitrOS9 ROM kit is for running an
embedded application on the CoCo.   It is not a ROM pak, but replaces
the CoCo's internal ROMs.  It also states that the kernel, modules and
application code are actually copied to RAM for execution. That is
definitely not the typical approach for using NitrOS9.


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