[Coco] Simple coco 2 memory test?]

Aaron Wolfe aawolfe at gmail.com
Sun Apr 10 17:42:25 EDT 2011

FWIW, there is a native Linux DriveWire 3 server, and the DW4 server
is regularly tested on several Linux distros.  If you really like the
Windows interface, Wine is a fine choice, but there are "more native"
ways to use DW with Linux.

On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 4:21 PM, Eric Keppel <keppel at earthsounds.com> wrote:
> (Sorry Robert, I accidentally sent this reply directly to you initially.
> I wanted to make sure that this went to the list so that it may be of
> help so someone else in my situation.)
> ----
> Ok, problem solved!
>  This second file you sent didn't work for me either, but since you had
> already test-loaded it on your machine, I began to look closer at my own
> setup and found a startling revelation.  Apparently, the program that I
> had been using to play .WAV files (VLC) was altering the output ever so
> slightly somehow and causing CLOAD/CLOADM problems.  I switched to
> another program to play the .WAV files and your memory test loads and
> runs flawlessly.  Such a simple thing, heh. :)
>  So, my memory checked out as good, and that got me wondering about
> what else might be at issue with my serial CRC error woes that were
> still plaguing my attempts to boot NitrOS9.  I had not mentioned this
> earlier, but up to this point I had been running Drivewire on my Linux
> Host in a Windows XP virtual machine with VirtualBox.
>  A little bit of experimenting, and I soon discovered that the root
> cause of these CRC errors was something that Virtualbox was doing in
> translating the serial stream from my Linux host to the Windows XP
> guest.  I tried running Drivewire on the native XP environment, and
> found that NitrOS9 loaded and ran perfectly with no CRC errors.  :)
>  With that victory, I then decided to try to eliminate Virtualbox from
> the mix by trying to run Drivewire with Wine.  You are probably familiar
> with the Wine libraries, but if not... In a nutshell Wine allows Linux
> machines to access MS Windows .dll libraries and API calls to run MS
> Windows applications natively in Linux without emulation.  It is hit and
> miss depending on the application, so I had not bothered to try it with
> Drivewire until now.  As it turns out the Drivewire runs perfectly fine
> under Wine.  The Drivewire server now has direct access to the serial
> port without any additional translation or overhead that I had been
> dealing with in the Virtualbox environment. No more CRC errors!!
>  Hopefully this discovery will help someone else avoid some headaches.
> I would like to thank you Robert, for taking the time to write up that
> little memory tester for me.  I really appreciate it.  Without that, I
> may have not dug any deeper and found out what was really causing these
> problems.
> Thanks again!
> Eric
> On Sat, 2011-04-09 at 18:39 -0400, Robert Gault wrote:
> The program is one I just wrote for you to test the Coco 64K memory. The
> wav file was
>> generated by MESS and sounded alright when played through speakers.
> However, since it did
>> not work, I used my Coco to generate the wav file and recorded it on a
> PC with Cool Edit
>> Pro. This file was played back to my Coco and worked.
>> Well, since anything that can go wrong will sooner or later, I'm also
> sending the program
>> in bin format. You can find a way to either convert it to a wav or
> directly send it to a
>> Coco disk.
>> If things still won't work, I'll send you the source code and you can
> assemble it on your
>> system.
>> Robert
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