[Coco] NitrOS-9 boot module common code

Roger Taylor operator at coco3.com
Tue May 11 23:56:44 EDT 2010

At 10:01 PM 5/11/2010, you wrote:
>AFAIK, you can request as much free memory as the system might have in
>contiguous blocks at that instant.  So 512 bytes basically means you must use
>an int sized register for the pointer into it, byte sized stuff won't work.
>You would probably need another 16 bytes to hold the pointers and such that
>access that 512 byte buffer.  Actually, 2 of them so you can keep reads and
>writes properly segregated.  In any event, I would not do it with a stack
>pointer adjustment, there be sharks in those waters.

Some of the NitrOS-9 boot modules just do an leas -256,s for L2 and 
it seems to work fine.  I was just wondering if I can do an -512,s 
without running into something.
If it was proper to request the memory formerly, then I'd think it 
would be done this way in all the NitrOS-9 boot modules, or the 
boot_common code, that is.

~ Roger Taylor

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