[Coco] Drive Pak OS-9 driver update

Roger Taylor operator at coco3.com
Sun May 23 00:46:48 EDT 2010

Great news:

I finally got the native sector mode working tonight which utilizes 
twice the storage capacity of the previous top-half sector format in 
use.  Both modes will be in the final driver so you can copy between 
both types of drives and eventually change all your stuff over to max 

So, now a 2GB MicroSD card will yield up to ~2GB of OS-9 storage, and 
~1GB of DOS storage.

I'll post these drivers and new distro card images on the site soon 
so one can write out a new card and get the progressingly-better 
builds of NitrOS-9.  Is 'progressingly' a word?  :)

~ Roger Taylor

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