[Coco] Appologies

Roger Taylor operator at coco3.com
Fri Mar 26 16:53:06 EDT 2010

At 03:47 PM 3/26/2010, you wrote:
>At 09:43 AM 3/26/2010, you wrote:
>>Jason, are you married? If not, you'll probably stay that way. If 
>>you are, how long? If you take this same attitude you won't be 
>>married much longer. Just because you disagree with the majority 
>>(or they disagree with you) doesn't necessarily make you right or 
>>wrong, it just means you disagree. Sometimes you just need to 
>>"agree to disagree" and let it go. Looks to me like that's the 
>>point that was reached. I just skimmed through most of those posts. 
>>I saw valid points on both sides -- just no consensus. I find that 
>>often happens when programmers talk. It's worse than car guys 
>>claiming how their brand is best and the rest are junk! Most of the 
>>time that's a bit tongue-in-cheek, but programmers get SERIOUS!! ;>
>>So don't let a disagreement ruin the CoCo experience or the list. 
>>There will always be people who disagree with you. You'll learn to 
>>tell who you can have a heated debate with and who you can't. Lots 
>>of personalities everywhere -- you learn some and respectfully 
>>decline to reply to their remarks (a polite way of saying ignore 
>>them -- some of them will be ignoring you too, by the way!). 
>>Sometimes you do have to "bite your tongue" when replying.
>>People forget that even an old fashioned mail list like this is 
>>really the same as talking in a room full of people with similar 
>>interests but flew in from all over the world. Sort of like the 
>>hospitality room at a CoCoFest. The internet insulates a lot, but 
>>over a day or two everyone in the "room" knows EXACTLY what was 
>>said, unlike a physical room -- there's even a transcript (not that 
>>it's always used...)! So there's a delay in "hearing", but the 
>>hearing is more exact. There are no "tones"  or body language to go 
>>along with the hearing, so that can make it more difficult. We all 
>>have different levels of writing too, and it's not always easy to 
>>convey precisely what you mean in words. I'm pretty sure you know 
>>all this, but we ALL need a reminder sometimes!
>It also seems like what you have said above, which is very true, has 
>to be reinterated in most forums at least every 6 months or so.  I 
>guess we were due.  :)
>~ Roger Taylor

I guess I was due for a typo as well.  Gosh-darnit, I obviously meant 

~ Roger Taylor

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