[Coco] Take 2 (Was: Full GUI DriveWire 4 beta)

Aaron Wolfe aawolfe at gmail.com
Tue Dec 28 12:03:49 EST 2010

On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 11:45 AM, gene heskett <gheskett at wdtv.com> wrote:
> On Tuesday, December 28, 2010 11:25:21 am Aaron Wolfe did opine:
>> I've removed the previous win32 "dw4-GO" edition and replaced it with
>> a much improved version.
>> https://sites.google.com/site/drivewire4/beta/dw4beta-3.9.84_win32.zip
>> This incorporates a few issues that people found with the last attempt
>> and adds easier disk management controls.  No more "Disk" menu,
>> everything previously found there can be done with more intuitive
>> controls on the main screen. I am really starting to like how this
>> interface is working, hope others do too :)  Note that several items
>> in the new "Tools" menu do not yet do anything, that is normal for
>> now.
>> Barring any show stopper bugs, I'll build packages for
>> win/lin/mac/32/64 in the next couple days.  Thanks for all the
>> feedback and hope to get more.
>> -Aaron
> Probably silly Q here Aaron.  Does this work with the dw3 drivers &
> descriptors in the nitros9 repo?, or will we need new stuff there too?

One of the primary goals I have for DW4 is that it be completely
backwards compatible with the DW3 drivers, DW3 rom, etc.  No reason to
change things that work so well.

Unless I've screwed something up, you can simply replace the DW3
program with the DW4 program in any configuration and carry on.  Some
new descriptors are needed in addition to the disk devices if you want
to use the virtual serial, networking or MIDI stuff, but none of this
is required.

There is even a setting found on the advanced page that will cause the
DW4 server to ignore any operation that is not found in DW3, hopefully
then becoming indistinguishable from a DW3 server as far as a CoCo can

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