[Coco] NitrOS-9 "Mascot"

Frank Swygert farna at att.net
Fri Apr 9 08:13:09 EDT 2010

That's more along the line of what I was thinking! Google "Super Bee" and/or "Rumble Bee" and take a look at the emblems. Maybe give the turtle a racing helmet, and instead of NitrOS-9 on the shell, put a nitros bottle on his back. Just suggestions -- looks good as is! 

On Apr 7, 2010, at 8:55 PM, Brian Blake wrote:

> I haven't had the chance to clean this up, or draw it up in Illustrator. At
> any rate, this is kinda what I envisioned since everyone likes the turtle
> idea...
> http://coco.randomrodder.com/images/turtle1.png

Frank Swygert
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