[Coco] Alternative to SuperIDE interface

J.P. Samson coco+list at jeanpaulsamson.com
Mon Oct 12 01:31:38 EDT 2009

On Oct-11-09, at 10:10 PM, Aaron Wolfe wrote:
> I have tried unsuccessfully to order a SuperIDE interface from Cloud
> 9.  I guess they do not sell it any more.
> Are there any available alternatives that can provide similar
> functionality?

That's a bit sad, but I suppose Cloud-9 is hoping to replace the  
SuperIDE with some other products down the road (e.g. Superboard,  

You could try the Glenside Mark II IDE Interface.  I don't know much  
about it, but it certainly looks like a more "barebones" solution  
compared to Cloud-9's product.


-- JP

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