[Coco] FD-50X series power supplies

Chad H chadbh74 at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 29 05:19:33 EDT 2009

I was just wondering if anyone has ever heard of the FD-500, 501, or 502
floppy systems' power supplies ever going bad.  I have a FD-502 unit and
it's working properly but I just came across a possible PCB part that might
substitute as a replacement for the existing one should it ever go bad.
But I don't want to go buying up too many extra parts if these things are as
rock solid as they seem.  Seems the older my system gets though the more
paranoid I get about something going wrong with it.  Don't need to turn my
computer room into a parts warehouse or 'radio shack' either if I can help
it.   (maybe too late on that one)


-          Chad


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