[Coco] Telnet to your CoCo.. and invite 6 of your friends

farna at att.net farna at att.net
Mon Nov 30 11:24:08 EST 2009

I'm not very OS-9 literate. I'm assuming F$SETID is built into the kernel and not easily disabled? Would it be hard to write a routine that would intercept such a call and disable it, or disable it in some other way? I would think that for a server there is no real need to switch user IDs. Only the main server needs an ID of 0 (super user status). If another user is hung up they can just be terminated by user 0. 

Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2009 15:17:12 -0700
From: Willard Goosey <goosey at virgo.sdc.org>

On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 07:53:42AM -0500, Aaron Wolfe wrote:
> I've got the inbound TCP connection portion of my project completed.
> You can now have up to 7 inbound connections to your CoCo using
> telnet. 

Before you get to crazy with this you might want to play around with
programs that use setuid().  I was thumbing through the Tandy LII docs
a few days ago and noticed that, according to that infamously
error-ridden book, F$SETID (or whatever exactly it's called) doesn't
do any sort of security check, it just succeeds.  In other words, any
user can change his user id to any other user.

Frank Swygert
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