[Coco] Amazing video of a large vintage computer collection

Jeff Teunissen deek at d2dc.net
Fri Mar 20 23:01:22 EDT 2009

Gene Heskett wrote:

>>From: "Arthur Flexser" <flexser at fiu.edu>


>>I think the CoCo 1 was black plastic, under the silver paint.
>>When the paint got too scratched up, some folks removed it and voila,
>>black CoCo 1.
> I have 2 of those Art, and the paint has long since worn off from in front of 
> the keyboard, and its hardly noticeable as the plastic under that silver paint 
> is a quite well matched gray.  I don't recall ever seeing a black one.  Taint 
> saying there aren't any, just that I haven't seen a black one.

Mine were black underneath the paint, as was my Model 1.

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