[Coco] Coco to "plain old monitor"

Rogelio Perea os9dude at gmail.com
Mon Mar 23 10:49:13 EDT 2009


It will be of great help if you provide more detail in your questions to the

What kind of plain old monitor? I assume it would be Composite Video... B&W
or Color? maybe you have a brand and model in mind? - some work well with
the composite video drivers from the CoCo and some don't...

As you have experienced, folks here are helpful. Some will ask you back for
details and then get to the business end of it... but you could be loosing
helpful hints from those who may just ignore vague inquiries.

-=[ Rogelio ]=-

2009/3/23 Bill <cwgordon at carolina.rr.com>

> I'm sure this has been discussed before, but is there a way to hook my Coco
> to a "plain old" monitor?
> Thanks

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