[Coco] [Color Computer] Polymorphisim in BASIC?

Darren A mechacoco at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 21:01:02 EDT 2009

On 7/28/09, KB wrote:
> I was thinking of doing a code that has fixed lines, and then a couple of
> lines are left blank for the computer to write and modify. And when it is
> done it writes the updated program to the cassette.


If it were disk-based, you could write out the computer generated code
to a data file and then use MERGE (with its limitations) to integrate
the code into the program.

If it must be tape-based then you could use some assembly language
glue to simulate what MERGE does. One possibility would be to install
a hook routine for Console In to feed the new program data.  This is
similar to how CLOAD processes an ASCII Basic file.

In either case, keeping the program running after integration of the
new line(s) is another headache you would have to deal with.


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