[Coco] [Color Computer] a question to those of you with working cocos with floppy discs

Joel Ewy jcewy at swbell.net
Tue Feb 10 17:03:54 EST 2009

stinger30au wrote:
> how many of you have floppy discs with information that is still
> readable say of original programs from say 1991 or there abouts?
I have CoCo and Apple][ floppies from the early to mid '80s that are
still apparently fine.  Some that look terrible still work like a
charm.  I have gobs of second-hand CP/M disks.  Most of them work, but
there is a fair degree of failure there.  Don't know why those seem to
be in worse shape.  Could be brand issues or just that these particular
disks were used a lot.

Now 1.44M floppies from the early to mid '90s seem to fail me far more

> is there anyone left on the face of the planet you can buy new 360k
> floppy discs or floppy drives from or it is all second hand stuff??
> --
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