[Coco] Play with NitrOS-9 over the Internet

George Ramsower georgeramsower at gmail.com
Wed Dec 30 04:01:47 EST 2009

 This is so great, I am squirming in my chair and champing at the bit to get something like this going on MY coco. Then I could bring my old BBS back online. Expecially since this can handle multiple connections. The "OS-9 LII BBS" could deal with this quite nicely.
 (Yeah! I know, I've mentioned this before!)

  This last thing I did on this session was to list the "termset" file and I see it's been expanded from the OEM file. On the fifth line, the Kimtron KT7 was in there. This is good that the termset file was expanded. As I recall, there was no software for those of us that used a coco that utilized this file.
  When using my Kimtron terminal, I had to write a small B09 utility to handle the control codes to do the cursor movements and CLS and all that. 
  I logged in two times tonight. The first time, I "Touched" george.ramsower.

  Eww! That felt GOOD!

  Logged out with "ex" and closed my connecion. Restarted and made a few mistakes on MY end...... tried again to get it right and what follows is my last effort..... for the night. 
 What FUN!!!!

  On my WinXP box, in the command line,,,
 <Cntrl A> would repeat the last line, as is should.
 <Cntrl X> would delete the whole line, as it should.
 <delete> would backspace as it should.... however, the <del> button did not.
 <backspace> and <left arrow> were also useless. 


  It took me a while to learn this when I used this PC to comm with my favorite coco. I seems it took an equally long time to relearn this on the online version. DOH! Shoulda known that!

.......... my session......

DriveWire TCP Server 3.1.2

Connected to port T0

Bienvenue a / Welcome to  . . .
    _   ___ __       ____  _____       ____     __                   __   ___
   / | / (_) /______/ __ \/ ___/      / __ \   / /   ___ _   _____  / /  |__ \
  /  |/ / / __/ ___/ / / /\__ \______/ /_/ /  / /   / _ \ | / / _ \/ /   __/ /
 / /|  / / /_/ /  / /_/ /___/ /_____/\__, /  / /___/  __/ |/ /  __/ /   / __/
/_/ |_/_/\__/_/   \____//____/      /____/  /_____/\___/|___/\___/_/   /____/

                                                        on the Internet!

If this is your first visit, please touch your name to the scratch disk:

  touch /x1/first.last

Here are some commands you might want to try:

  dir /x1                   (to see who's been here)
  list /x2/about.txt        (to learn more about this system)
  tmode bsp=8               (if your backspace key doesn't work)
  mdir                      (to see what modules are in memory)
  procs                     (for a list of currently running processes)
  mfree                     (to see how much free RAM remains)
  dw show ports             (to see who is currently logged in and from where)

Feel free to poke around, but remember that others are logged on as well, so
please be nice and don't run any scary commands!

(If you see the User name?: prompt, just press ENTER)

NitrOS-9/6309 Level 2 V3.2.9 on the Tandy Color Computer 3  2009/12/30 01:50:25

User name?:

Process #03 logged on   2009/12/30 01:50:33

Welcome to NitrOS-9 Level 2!

Shell+ v2.2a 09/12/30 01:50:34

{T0|03}/DD:dir /x1

 Directory of /x1  2009/12/30 01:55
boisy.pitre     brian.blake     benoit.bleau    google.com      gene.heskett
michael.furman  aaron.wolfe     christian.lesage.was.here       mark.martin
tom.seagrove    tim.fadden      this.is.too.cool.for.words      mike.delyea
frank.pittel    HAWKSoft        boisy.on.iphone.while.in.town   jim.hathaway
john.linville   john.donaldson.in.dallas.tx     ciaran.anscomb  doug.dingus--Pot
atohead         william.schaub  Louis.Ciotti    test            joel.deyoung
william.astle   Wayne.Campbell  diego.barizo    mark.mcdougall  ed.orbea.washing
ton.state       USERS           Torsten.Dittel  matthew.reed    Dave.Kelly
Greg.Law        rogelio.perea   greg.bentley    way.to.cool.this.is
eat.your.heart.out.c64          richard.adams   tim.johns       Bob.Devries
Christopher.Mayeux              cloud9.north    Diego.PalmOS    kyle.owen
george.ramsower termset

{T0|03}/DD:list /x1/termset


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