[Coco] [Color Computer] Can anyone plese help me on the POINT command?

Chuck charles.shrader at gmail.com
Wed Aug 12 20:32:50 EDT 2009

--- In ColorComputer at yahoogroups.com, Russell Flowers <coffeecircle at ...> wrote:
> --- On Mon, 8/10/09, KB <vacuumboy1 at ...> wrote:
>                   Syntax of the SET or PSET please?My books are gone, sent out when I sold my CoCo... this is from memory.
> PSET(X,Y,C) ' X, Y = coords, C = color, usually 1= Foreground, 0 = Background, not sure about different screen modes
> PRESET(X, Y) ' not sure if this one has a color parameter
> (X1,Y1)-(X2,Y2),PSET ' Draw a line between the 2 coords; PSET for turning on pixels, PRESET for turning off... there is a box option, filled or unfilled, I can't remember it... something about the letters BF
> -- R Flowers

Here's what I see about the LINE command from my book "Going Ahead with Extended Color Basic":

LINE (x1,y1)-(x2,y2),a,b

(x1,y1) specifies the line's start point.  x1 is any numeric expression from 0 to 255, y1 from 0 to 191.

(x2, y2) specifies the line's end point.  x1 is any numeric expression from 0 to 255, y1 from 0 to 191.

a is eitehr PSET or PRESET

b is either B or BF.  This is optional.

Note: If start point is not specified, the Computer will start at teh most recent end point in the program.  If there isn't a previous end point in the program, (128,96) will be used as the start point.

I don't see a reference to a color parameter in the PRESET command.  Let me know if you need me to look up anything else; I'm more than happy to help out.

Chuck S.

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