[Coco] some progress...

Stephen Adolph twospruces at gmail.com
Mon Aug 3 16:13:32 EDT 2009

Thanks for all the helpful comments.  I've made some progress.
* I made 2 Nitros-9 disks using an old pc and a 360k drive
* I got my coco3 to boot Nitros-9
* I've fiddled with my drive settings with reasonable success

have not yet played with 3.5 inch drives,

But, I am struggling right now with why I would go to Nitros-9--

* disks created in RS-DOS (35 track) cannot be read or written in Nitros-9
* so, software on RS-DOS disks and virtual disks are not usable in Nitros-9

But, as someone pointed out, HDB-DOS is available as a .DSK for
Nitros-9, making it a bit easier to use HDB-DOS that it is for an
RS-DOS system (or DECB system?).

Making .DSKs is a pain in the neck when you don't have a dedicated
machine with an appropriate floppy installed, ... and you don't (yet)
have HDB-DOS to help you.

cheers, Steve

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