[Coco] Artifacting on LCD?

Steven Hirsch snhirsch at gmail.com
Thu Apr 9 20:14:20 EDT 2009

On Fri, 10 Apr 2009, Nick Marentes wrote:

> Has anyone compare a composite input LCD, VGA input LCD (using a scandoubler) 
> and a CRT monitor running RGB (Amiga 1084 preferably) running off a CoCo3?

I have.  I own several old 15Khz. fixed and 15Khz. capable multisync 
monitors.  Personally, I prefer the picture I get on a 17" LCD through an 
RGB-->VGA scandoubler.  Text is crystal clear, graphics I admittedly do 
not care much about.  Certain background colors show slight banding, but 
with a bit of contrast and brightness adjustment it's barely noticable.

> I suspect they will find that the CRT gives the best overall picture. 
> Anyone got first hand answers?

You'll have as many opinions as readers on this one, I'm afraid. :-)

The net of it is:  Use whatever looks best to you.



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