[Coco] NitrOS-9 sc6551 driver

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Fri Apr 3 19:26:04 EDT 2009

On Friday 03 April 2009, Roger Taylor wrote:
>At 01:33 PM 4/3/2009, you wrote:
>> >If you absolutely need CTS/RTS, from the pak's command
>> >prompt >  type:  set flow hardware
>> >This will persist until you do a hard reset (while powering up), or
>> >typing >set flow none
>>But I don't have the command prompt anymore.  The eprom was pulled
>>while I was
>>hacking the cs address.  So this will have to be done from a program
>>I'll have
>>to write, and which is not yet written.
>SuperComm?  I recall a few other OS-9 terminal programs that should work?
I hadn't thought of that, it may well work if it can send the short break (or 
whatever it takes, I haven't studied the software pdf that much yet) to get it 
back in command mode.

>Try this as well, but you'll first have to kill the bluetooth
>connection from the PC.

And I believe (you clipped my rc.local insertions) that would be the rfcomm 
command here, using the 'release' syntax since the 'bind' was made from here.

Are you saying that it can't do data while its in the command mode?  There is 
no data flowing unless I'm working in the minicom terminal AFAIK.  That isn't 
saying the bt stuff isn't making sure the other guy is still there from time 
to time, only that I don't know.
>echo set baud 19200 >/t2
>xmode /t2 bau=7
>That should get you rolling at 19200 bps but then you'll have to save
>the /t2 config, ofcourse.
>> >Gene, I'm so glad you were able to get the wireless pak working under
>> >your Linux and CoCo setup!  For those who are spot reading this and
>> >are confused, Gene basically has a Lot of stuff connected and my pak
>> >conflicted with a Tandy pak he didn't want to remove.  So he slid the
>> >addressing down a few double words by soldering a few wires on the
>> >pak board.  Now that's a determined CoCoNut. :)
>>Now who is calling whom a nut? :)  Guilty...

Actually, I think we all are, or we wouldn't be keeping the old girl alive.

Cheers, Gene
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