[Coco] CoCo Video Player Project

Nick Marentes nickma at optusnet.com.au
Fri Apr 3 16:54:26 EDT 2009

Sorry guys, Sock Master has done this already.

At Pennfest 2000, Sock was displaying a video clip of a spinning CoCo3 
He had put a CoCo3 on a record player. He then turned the CoCo3 a small 
increment at a time and took a photo. Then he compiled each frame into 
his hi-color format.

The finished product was it streaming each frame (from RAM) to create a 
short looping video of the CoCo3 spinning in 3D on the CoCo3 screen in 
full 4096 color.

So, it can be done (as long as off a fast storage device) but as Mark 
McDougall pointed out, what's the point...as can be seen by the fact 
that no-one remembers this feat.

(A video of this is on the Pennfest  2000 souvenir CD for those that 
bought the CD back then)


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