[Coco] cocotape project

Roger Taylor operator at coco3.com
Fri Nov 21 22:00:53 EST 2008

Major progress.  As of tonight, cocotape.exe is also playing the CoCo 
cassette audio.

It's as simple as this:

1) Plug your CoCo cassette cable's BLACK plug into your PC's Speaker Out jack
2) on the CoCo, type: CLOADM
2) at the PC console prompt, type: cocotape program.bin -o=tape.wav

The CoCo loads the file.  A copy of the file remains on the PC.

I'm working on creating a temporary file, playing it, then deleting 
it unless the -o=filename option is used which will rename the file 
and keep it.  A file is required because some .wav files could easily 
grow enormous since it's raw PCM.  I haven't toyed with any 
compression codecs for the .wav file yet.

Roger Taylor


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