[Coco] Uploaded DynaStar documents to ftp.maltedmedia.com

Fedor Steeman petrander at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 03:46:39 EDT 2008

Hi Dennis,

I just wanted to let you know that I uploaded the following scanned-in
manuals to ftp.maltedmedia.com:

- DynaStar
- DynaCalc (in two parts)
- DynaForm
- DynaSpell

Most of these scans are xeroxed copies of the originals, so quality may
vary, but it is well-readable.

I leave placement of these in a folder up to your judgement, but it may be a
good idea to keep them together in a folder called "DynaStar" under
coco/manuals or something... You decide!

BTW I have a huge amount of copied manuals that I can readily scan in (my
scanner has a document feeder), so you can expect a lot more the coming

What would the external http-address for accessing these manuals be, or is
there only ftp-access?



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