[Coco] CoCoNet

John Eric jet.pack at ymail.com
Sat Dec 27 20:22:54 EST 2008

Roger, regarding the following: I had been considering creating a PC program that monitored the com1 or com2 port and acted like a DMP-105. My intention was to have the pc interpret the dmp-105 codes sent from the CoCo and create a BMP or PDF of the page exactly as it would have been printed on the real DMP-105. It could then be printed from the PC to a inkjet or laser printer. Of course, I soon realized that I do not posses the technical know-how to perform such a feat, so maybe some others out there perhaps can do such a thing - maybe even you :) JE


Btw, I plan to also add PRINT #-2 support so the PC prints what the CoCo prints, but don't expect too many CoCo-compatible printers to be emulated that quickly.  Stuff like that would probably have to be created by third parties.  I'd try to make it easy by using translation tables and so forth so a .txt file could probably be created on the PC that teaches the server about another "CoCo printer".  My job would be to let the CoCo actually send the PRINT #-2 data to the server at 57600 bps or 115200 bps.  The server app would select the default PC printer.

-- Roger Taylor


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