[Coco] [Color Computer] Coco flash cartridge

Roger Taylor operator at coco3.com
Fri Sep 21 21:30:58 EDT 2007

At 11:09 AM 9/21/2007, you wrote:

>As james has indicated. The SuperIDE can be switched via software or hardware.
>Nice feature.
>Quoting James Diffendaffer <jdiffendaffer at yahoo.com>:

Hello Mark.  I plan to buy one of your SuperIDE cards "soon".  I 
think it's the perfect solution to a lot of CoCo luxuries that are 
becoming very hard to say No to.  :)

The only other card I'd have in mind is a small *affordable* solution 
to making a bunch of new 8k ROM Paks, for games and apps.  There's 
been several submissions that look promising.  What would be even 
nicer, but not required by my projects at this time, is a way to 
switch the two 8k banks of a 27128 from software.  As long as there 
is some signal, interrupt, or port that can be managed by the card, I 
can write the code to switch the banks magically while running the 
"16k" program seamlessly.

I'm not sure if this new flash card idea spawned from my ROM Pak idea 
request but I can relate to the way people are getting new wild ideas 
for adding a little bit more to something as small as a simple EPROM 
Pak.  It's just too easy to say, we might as well add this, then 
this, until you're sitting there looking at a SuperIDE before it's 
over.  :)  Maybe any new boards should introduce some different ideas 
that will work simultaneously  with the Super IDE so as not to 
overload the CoCo with duplicate features for those who DO have the 
SuperIDE but want one of these new fidangled cards at the same time.

Trouble is, I can't think of many more features that can be put on a 
card that hasn't already been done yet.  Keep up the great work and 
keep that site lookin' pretty for when I decide to go in for a 
shopping spree.  :)

Roger Taylor

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