[Coco] [Bulk] AT306 Mouse Question

Joel Ewy jcewy at swbell.net
Sat Sep 8 11:20:12 EDT 2007

Paul Fitch wrote:
> There is a 3-pin header on the AT306 motherboard that says MOUSE.  How do I
> use that?
My assumption, from the era in which the AT306 was produced, would be
that that is a serial port.  So you should have a ground wire, a
Transmit Data pin, and uh, er...  That's not enough pins.  I don't know
enough about the serial mouse protocol.  Does the mouse ever need to
receive data from the host?  E.g., some kind of configuration packet? 
If not, then I suppose all you would need is power and data from the
mouse to the host.  Power is probably supplied by a ground wire and one
of the RS-232 handshaking lines (it would have to be one that's present
in the 9-pin AT serial port).  Maybe CTS?  But on something like this,
it's entirely possible that it's just connected to a +5 or +12 volt
supply line.

You can pretty quickly determine if this is anywhere close to correct if
you have an ohm meter (nice if it has a continuity beeper).  See if one
of the pins hooks up to ground, (either an obvious ground plane or a
ground wire on the power supply connector), and then try to trace one of
the other two to the +5 or +12V supply.  Failing that, turn the beast on
and see if you get 5-12 volts on one of the pins with a volt meter.

Probably somebody on this list has better information about the '306
mouse port than I.

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