[Coco] Another speed question

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Fri Sep 7 10:54:17 EDT 2007

On Friday 07 September 2007, jdaggett at gate.net wrote:
>On 6 Sep 2007 at 23:15, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> I just did a google search for details on the 6850 uart, but came up
>> pretty thin in the first 3 pages of hits.  No real data sheets fell
>> out.
>I have specifications document for the MC6850. I willtry and get it scanned
>either late today or Sunday. Where do you want iti posted to?
I got the docs, apparently the genuine .pdf's from a link Daren posted last 
night.  Thanks James, for the offer, I appreciate it, but don't think I need 
it now.

Cheers, Gene
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