[Coco] NitrOS9 Screen Colors...

Robert Gault robert.gault at worldnet.att.net
Tue Oct 23 18:17:09 EDT 2007

Randy Just wrote:
> I have located the montype command, but I would like to change to
> 40 character mode with NitrOS9 as it is hard to read the 80 character
> mode on my composite monitor.
> What is the process to do this?
> Randy

There is no "change to" in OS-9 as there is in Basic on a Coco3 
(WIDTH40). In OS-9 you create a new OS-9 window that uses 40 or 32 
characters or change /term either with xmode and then cobbler or os9gen 
a revised system disk.

Assuming you are using a recent NitrOS-9 release, try the following.
xmode /term col=28 sty=1
cobbler /dd
Reboot the system and you should have a 40 column /term.

To help prevent artifact colors from making text illegible, you should 
make sure the screen is white with black letters or black with white 
letters. Use xmode to change fgc and bgc.

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