[Coco] Survey of Coco realtime clock users

Rogelio Perea os9dude at gmail.com
Fri Nov 30 18:22:12 EST 2007

Same here Robert. I have the Tandy SmartWatch DS1216 chip installed in my
FD502 disk controller. I must have installed it in 1992 or so, by then the
SmartWatch had been on the RS store shelves for a while. I remember I had to
take out the original socket on the controller board to make the whole thing
fit with the controller case closed together. That was a bit more than 15
years ago, it still running :-)

-= Rogelio =-

On Nov 30, 2007 5:22 PM, Robert Gault <robert.gault at worldnet.att.net> wrote:

> I'd like to get an idea of how many people have some type of realtime
> clock installed in a Coco system. Don't bother replying regards emulators.
> Indicate what chip you have and where it is installed. My reason for
> asking, besides curiosity, is to find out how many users are subject to
> battery wear out and clock failure.
> For example, I have a Smartwatch DS1216 (sold at one time by Tandy)
> installed in my RS-232 pak instead of the ROM. Just had to replace the
> battery.

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