[Coco] Fwd: save the internet

Aaron Banerjee spam_proof at verizon.net
Thu Nov 29 18:30:17 EST 2007

I still have a landline.  Cell service out in this neck of Virginia is 
ok (mediocre, but good enough), but as we in the safety community 
always like to avoid a "single point of failure", it's nice to have a 
land-line backup.  My land-line plan works like a cell plan (call 
anywhere in the US), so we can still use the fax here.

On another topic, thanks to all who have responded regarding my recent 
post about controlling a model railroad with a computer.  I was 
considering getting one of the controllers, but then stumbled across my 
copy of Forrest Mimms "Engineer's Notebook" and will probably at least 
try to do something creative.  In view of the recent telephone posts, 
maybe I'll make some sort of pulse decoder circuit to activate relays 
for the railroad or something....   So many projects, so little time...

                                 - Aaron

On Nov 29, 2007, at 11:37 AM, Rod Barnhart wrote:

> On Nov 29, 2007 9:05 AM, Rogelio Perea <os9dude at gmail.com> wrote:
>> True... true... I ditched the landline some time ago, perhaps if I 
>> request
>> one now I will get frowned upon by Verizon. My TWC VoIP service didn't
>> guarantee data transmission thru the "phone" line, I really haven't 
>> tried it
>> yet to be sure... perhaps at a lower bps rate the thing may just 
>> work?.

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