[Coco] OS9 Level 1 ver 2

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Sun Nov 4 08:32:43 EST 2007

On Thursday 01 November 2007, Chester A Patterson wrote:
>OS9 Level 1 Ver 2
>I was loosing sleep. I could not make a bootable disk using OS9Gen or
>Cobbler. I could only DECB backup the factory 35TSS disk.
>1st made the equivalent of level 2 REL. The lev.1 version isn't a 87CD
>type module while lev.2 is.
>2nd was making a handfull of bytes I found between modules OS9 and OS9p2
>This was quite a surprise.
>These are bytes are 01 D2 01 77 01 7D 01 83 01 84 01 88 01 83
>Merge a new boottrack.
>OS9Gen -t and all that.
>And BINGO! Boots every time.
>What those bytes do or why they are there is at the moment beyond me.
AIUI Chester, and somebody please confirm or correct me, but those are the IRQ 
jump addresses, replacing those that are written there in low memory by the 
RSDOS initialization routines.

That's one of the files captured and saved when my krnl2dir is run, which 
generates a directory entry and FD sector for the boot track, and then 
my 'vfy -sb /the/bootrackname' is executed.

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>Coco at maltedmedia.com

Cheers, Gene
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