[Coco] DOS Adapter

Mark Marlette mark at cloud9tech.com
Thu May 3 09:52:22 EDT 2007


 From an electrical aspect I would agree. From a physical size point  
of view, I would not.

The DOS Adapter board uses .031 FR4 and the smallest machined pin  
sockets made. All of this allows the DOS Adapter and new ROM to reside  
in the same electrical and physical space. Trying to get DOS cases to  
close after adapting, this was not easy. I also tried as many of the  
DOS carts I had to make sure that the arrangement of the PWB would  
coexist nicely.

Time you place a socket on top of a socket then place the EPROM on top  
of it all, it will be too tall for the lid to close. The DOS Adapter  
takes care of this. Of course if you want the lid off then all of this  
is water over the damn.

I do these adaptions all the time and there is no comparision between  
the hack and the DOS Adapter.



Quoting Robert Gault <robert.gault at worldnet.att.net>:

> Do you just want to use 28 pin eproms in a 24 pin socket or do you
> mostly want the ability to select banks? If the former, it is easy to
> use a low profile 28 pin socket with a few thin wires to adapt the
> larger ROMs to the smaller disk controller sockets.
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