[Coco] Hex calculator (off topic)

David Roper dave at ebonhost.com
Fri Mar 30 20:09:49 EDT 2007

Yep, you can live in such a world.. but why focus on being MS-free, when 
you can instead focus on using the most appropriate tool for the job at 
the most appropriate time?

I'm quite happy to be a Windows user (Vista Ultimate, mind you..)

I'm a web developer, and I develop using many open-source technologies 
(PHP, MySQL, Apache, Firefox and Thunderbird), yet also use many 
commercial tools (Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Word, Excel, etc).

Yes, there are free alternatives to many of the tools I use daily, when 
they aren't up to the task, in my opinion. Using them just to "stick it 
to the man" would damage my business, and so instead I'd be the one 
being "stuck"

Being dogmatic about "my OS is better than your OS" or "The only thing 
Microsoft could make that didn't suck would be a vacuum cleaner" is 
excessive, and kinda old now :)

Kind Regards,

David Roper

*My Graphic Garden / Ebonhost*
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*email:* dave at ebonhost.com
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Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Friday 30 March 2007, coco at yourdvd.net wrote:
>> I can't be a Bill Basher - everytime I turn on the CoCo I am greeted by
>> Microsoft BASIC :-)
> <snip>
> So one can live in an M$ free world, my disk controller boots nitros9 by 
> default on my coco3/6309/2megs/1GB hard drive.

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