[Coco] Converting from coco 1 / 2 artifact graphics to color coco 3

David Roper dave at ebonhost.com
Sun Mar 18 05:03:59 EDT 2007

Hi all,

What's normally involved in converting a game that runs using artifact 
graphics for coco 1 / 2 into a game that runs using 16-color coco 3 
graphics modes? I've seen it done with a few games, and I'm curious as 
to what the process would involve.

There's quite a few interesting games out there that run in fake-colour 
mode, and such colour modes aren't available here in Australia (due to 
using the PAL system).. all we get is muddy grey and some freaky pinks 
and greens occasionally :)

Anyone actually done such a conversion?

Kind Regards,

David Roper

*My Graphic Garden / Ebonhost*
*website:* www.mygraphicgarden.com.au
*phone:* (02) 4268 5934
*fax:* (02) 4268 6456
*mail:* po box 624 thirroul, nsw 2515
*email:* dave at ebonhost.com
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