[Coco] Need to know if I'm in safe waters here

Hex Star hexstar at gmail.com
Sat Jul 21 22:20:21 EDT 2007

*briza wrote:*  *random_rodder wrote:*  (mad emoticon) I wanted the little
twit (hexmoron) banned several weeks ago....

I'm ALMOST sorry I missed out on this weeks shennanigans...

Hi PPl.

This twit is the main reason I might not go ahead with my DVD collection. I
said I dont want it copied or put in any form on a website. Well this idiot
says he will respect my wishes. But he will make a copy and put it in a
special website in his archiving section. Which means that he could give
people access if they asked for it.

So I think its time Dennis kicked him out of the mailing list. And I'm Glad
his banned from here as well.


Briza What? No, I never said I was putting on any part of my website at all,
I said I was going to store it offline. That means a completely separate
storage medium that is not linked to my website in any way, shape or form. I
absolutely promise that it will never ever be put on my server.

I do not appreciate you taking what I said "store it offline" and trying to
twist it into me storing it on my website which is absolutely what I have
not said. Please understand that I really am not trying to violate
copyright/owner wishes and will obey yours 100%.

Please believe me, I am 100% honest. I am not trying to troll at all. People
have misunderstood my posts and have been spreading their misunderstanding
throughout the list causing this whole issue. Please understand that I fully
intend to not violate your copyright wishes and will not be doing so ever. I
am fully honest in my intentions and wish people would stop spreading the
lie that I am here to troll and violate copyright as that is not my
intention at all. I already have actively worked with some members offlist
to remove their content from my server and when found it has been removed
promptly. I promise you that this is a honest intention and that is has been
and always will be.

*random_rodder wrote:*  (mad emoticon) I wanted the little twit (hexmoron)
banned several weeks ago....

I'm ALMOST sorry I missed out on this weeks shennanigans... There was
nothing to see, people have simply assumed I intend to violate this
compilators wishes on how his dvd is treated and this is simply not true. I
have been trying to clarify this matter but people do not seem to want to
listen. People assumed that I would violate the compilators wishes when I
never said that I intended to, I never ever said that I would do this and
still don't understand why people think I'll do such a thing. I have
repeatedly said, and will continue to say that my position is indeed that I
will fully obey any wishes compilators may have whether that be that their
compilation can or can't be shared.

I guess this assumption stems from the fact that I am so eager to preserve
these files and people don't know what to make of it. Everyone assumes I'm
just here to cause trouble because I'm new here and a new comer so actively
requesting files for archival is a bit unusual. But I never ever said I was
here to violate the wishes of those who make compilations. I fully respect
such wishes when I receive them from the creator of the compilation and have
been ever since I started my project. My project is not a project of
illegally collecting files but legally collecting them and removing the ones
the owners don't want hosted. I have not and never will ever purposefully
violate copyright law. Please everyone stop assuming this...

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