[Coco] Rainbow IDE 2.0 and OS-9 Development

Roger Taylor operator at coco3.com
Mon Jan 22 15:05:03 EST 2007

I forgot, here is the listing from Windows RMA from the readout window.

rma main.asm -l -o=Files\rmatest
Microware OS-9 RMA - V2.0  01/22/2007  14:02   main.asm               Page 001

00001 0010            PRGRM    equ   $10
00002 0001            OBJCT    equ   $1
00003 00c8            stk      equ   200
00004                          psect rmatest,$11,$81,0,stk,entry
00006 0000 524d4120   name     fcs   "RMA Test"
00007 0008 0d         prm      fcb   $d
00008 0001            prmsize  equ   *-prm
00010 0009 308dfff3   entry    leax  name,pcr
00011 000d 338dfff7            leau  prm,pcr
00012 0011 108e0001            ldy   #prmsize
00013 0015 8611                lda   #PRGRM+OBJCT
00014 0017 5f                  clrb
00015 0018=103f00              os9   F$FORK
00016 001b=103f00              os9   F$WAIT
00017 001e=103f00              os9   F$EXIT
00019 0021                     endsect

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