[Coco] Keeping current... ????

Roger Merchberger zmerch-coco at 30below.com
Tue Feb 27 11:58:26 EST 2007

Rumor has it that Gene Heskett may have mentioned these words:

>Ok, when was the last time linux ran on a 486?  When gcc was at V-2.7.2

I thought that 2.9.3 was still OK on a 486, and the latest Slackware (11, 
IIRC) _still_ has the warning that "If you don't have at least 16Meg of RAM 
for the installer, you might want to configure and turn on swap"... ;-) 
Slackware always was a rather 'minimilast' distro.

Everything that comes with slackware says it's i386 compatible, tho 
admittedly I don't have a 486 anymore to test it on. The best (read: 
oldest) I could swing would be an AMD K-62-500; but that doesn't have any 
video in it - it's a Cobalt Raq 3i system; upgraded from it's 300Mhz to 500.

If not, there's still the "leaf" distro, if memory serves... it's rather a 
single-floppy router distro, but you can get modules for djbdns & a host of 
other proggies... I was thinking of trying that one on my Raq.

>...I'd be gone from vz customer list quicker than stink in a 
>whirlwind.  Jerks.

Never heard that one before.. I'll have to remember that. ;-)

Roger "Merch" Merchberger

Roger "Merch" Merchberger  --  SysAdmin, Iceberg Computers
zmerch at 30below.com

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