[Coco] [Color Computer] Re: POKE 65495,0

L. Curtis Boyle curtisboyle at sasktel.net
Mon Feb 5 16:40:06 EST 2007

On Mon, 05 Feb 2007 14:26:27 -0600, Roger Merchberger  
<zmerch-coco at 30below.com> wrote:

> I'm pretty sure that it was pin-compatible, but IIRC, there was a  
> non-CoCo2
> mode that gave bankswitching capacity to the memory, and could be used to
> access up to 256K RAM, thru the use of 64Kx4 RAMs...
> I had a HotCoCo with an article on using that SAM to upgrade the RAM to
> 128K/256K w/a piggyback chip mod... but it's been a long time.
> IIRC, the article started out something like "Yes, Virginia, you *can*  
> have
> a 256K CoCo2"... and was in an issue around Christmastime.... possibly
> around '85-ish???
    I think the December 1984 issue had a 128K RAM mod... is that the one  
you are thinking about?
L. Curtis Boyle

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