[Coco] Nitros9 Krnp3-_perr

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Mon Aug 20 23:56:02 EDT 2007

On Monday 20 August 2007, Paul Fitch wrote:
>Anyone know what does this module does?  Does it read /dd/sys/errmsg when an
>error occurs to give you a little more info?
>Coco mailing list
>Coco at maltedmedia.com

I furgot, there is also a krnp4_regdump, which is handier than cold bottled 

In tracing a program, and I've used it extensively, anyplace you want to dump 
the registers and see if you are doing it right:

 iffy code
 pshs cc
 os9 F$regdump
 puls cc

and go on with your code as if nothing happened cuz the code will never know 
you snooped on it.  But you must save the cc, and restore it.

Cheers, Gene
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