[Coco] Roger Taylors Coco DVD

Frank Swygert farna at att.net
Mon Aug 6 19:07:18 EDT 2007

I'm an old car nut and have a couple parts books (over 2000 pages each) 
and repair manuals on CD-ROM. I keep them on a hard drive for quicker 
access. Takes up a lot of space, but I don't have to swap CDs around and 
can quickly search any of them. If the HD crashes I can reload from the 
original CD. -------------- Date: Sun, 05 Aug 2007 23:45:24 -0700 From: 
Kevin Diggs <kevdig at hypersurf.com>

Can someone explain to me why you need to "make a backup image of the 
dvd package on a internal offline backup harddrive"? Isn't a DVD going 
to be far more reliable than some hard drive? Hard drive failures? User 
errors (i.e. rm -f)?

Frank Swygert
Publisher, "American Motors Cars" 
Magazine (AMC)
For all AMC enthusiasts
(free download available!)

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