[Coco] Diego Barizo

Jim Cox jimcox at miba51.com
Tue Apr 3 01:27:08 EDT 2007


If I could be at Diego's hearing I would, but I live in 
Seattle, so I can't make it.  If a letter of reference 
would help, I will provide one.

I wish I knew if he is getting a lawyer and if his friends 
are taking care of his cats and place.  Isn't here a 
CoCoNut in NJ by the name of Charlie Pelosi<sp>  If so, 
does anyone know how to contact him.  Are there any 
CoCoNuts who live near Buffalo NY where Diego is being 


On Tue,  3 Apr 2007 01:06:30 -0400
  "tonym" <tonym at compusource.net> wrote:
> I was talking with Mary earlier this evening, and only 
>had the Blackberry, so i cou;dn't reply to emails via 
>webmail on the Blackberry browser.
> ANYONE who is in his neck of the woods needs to show up 
>at his hearing. He also REALLY needs an immigration 
>lawyer present for him. He also needs his employer, if 
>possible, there, and any and all friends and 
>acquaintances that can show. If I was up there, I'd show, 
>but I'm down south in Miami.
> A strong showing in support of him, should move the 
>court to see that he is an upstanding individual of 
>character, and would hopefully think twice about just 
>deporting him.
> Immigration law and practice is almost as difficult, if 
>not more difficult, than standard criminal law.
> Many things changed after 9/11, and this is one of them, 
> Right now, he needs people, and he needs them at his 
> Tony 
> ---------- Original Message 
>From: "Jim Cox" <jimcox at miba51.com>
> Reply-To: CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts 
><coco at maltedmedia.com>
> Date:  Mon, 02 Apr 2007 18:29:29 -0700
>>Earlier today while still being quite upset about what 
>>happened to Diego, I commented about writing to someone 
>>hopes of helping him is his plight.
>>Give how our system works, is it practical to try and 
>>write ones representatives in the hope that they may 
>> I don't think that they would help in this matter or in 
>>time.      Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
>>I think the best thing to do is offer some sort of moral 
>>or financial support to help Diego.  I am willing to do 
>>both and I think if enough of us were to offer to be a 
>>reference for Diego, maybe the system might cut him some 
>>slack and give him some time to get his stuff together. 
>> Again does anyone have any thoughts on this?
>>I am trying not to be pessimistic, but the reality of the 
>>situation are just hitting me.  I hope that some how 
>>gets a great lawyer and a sympathetic judge and a miracle 
>>does happen.
>>> ----- Original Message ----
>>>From: Diego <diegoba at adinet.com.uy>
>>> To: CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts 
>>><coco at maltedmedia.com>
>>> Sent: Monday, April 2, 2007 2:53:00 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [Coco] Diego Barizo
>>> I believe that I will have to wait 10 years before 
>>>trying again.
>>> I came in with a tourist visa, and the only way to renew 
>>>those is by staying out 6 months. That would have meant 
>>>loosing my job here.
>>> I knew/know what I was doing, but was my only real 
>>>chance to go ahead in life.
>>> Thank you all, and I'll be in touch
>>> Diego
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