[Coco] Finals - and Thanks (was) Re: Nitros9 for the masses

James Hrubik jimhrubik at earthlink.net
Mon May 8 08:05:00 EDT 2006

Thanks, Boisy.  Best wishes regarding your finals.  Git 'er done!

Thanks, too, to James Jones & John Hogerhuis for their replies  
regarding contrasting building an emu and porting an OS.

On May 8, 2006, at 7:27 AM, Boisy Pitre wrote:

> James,
> I'm sorry if my replies seem a bit terse.  Finals week starts today...
> Writing an emulator is far, far easier in my opinion for the reason  
> I and others pointed out regarding NitrOS-9's ABI being so closely  
> tied to the architecture of the 6809.
> Boisy

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