[Coco] Modifications

Robert Emery theother_bob at yahoo.com
Wed May 3 12:04:42 EDT 2006

--- Chester A Patterson <vchester at setec-cr.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm going to go whole hog on my CC3. I have excellent soldering
> skills but am no digital electronics expert. I have no Coco 
> (2 or 3) service manual (but I DO have my MPI service manual)
> I would like to start by removing the TV modulator from the
> main board. Any tips? Suggestions? Things to look out for?

Just curious why you want to remove the modulator? The only advantage I see
there is a slight reduction in power draw, which is kind of moot if you plan to
repack it in a PC case.

> After that, I want to put her in a PC box, so I'll want to feed the CC3
> +/- 5 & 12V. I imagine there's stuff on the www about this but I don't find
> it.

There is an article on CoCo3.com that tells how to do it. Go to the Articles
section and look for "Putting it all in one box". Also look at my Portable
CoCo3 writeup, where I show how to run the whole thing off of +12V. 

> After that is the video adapters (hopefully both S-Vid AND VGA), a
> keyboard adapter and what-not. Years (MANY!) ago there was much talk about
> NOT putting the MPI on a flat cable extension no matter how short (timing
> issues) What's the dope on that finally? I can't see putting CC3 in a PC box
> without at least a short extension.
Main thing I've heard is to make sure you have a good ground between them. I
use a Y-cable in my repack, running to Floppy and IDE controllers. So far it
works really great, several years now.


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