[Coco] Reminiscing...

George's Coco Address yahoo at dvdplayersonly.com
Wed Jul 19 00:46:09 EDT 2006

 I was just catching up on the coco list and based on the thread about "who 
sold", my thoughts began wandering and came to a wondering about who(here 
today) remembers anything similar to my first connection with the coco world 
via modem.
 I can't remember the dial up company name that gave access to various 
databases and computer systems, such as Compuserve.

 My first encounter with the outside world of computers and specifically, 
coco SIGS, was through this medium.

 It was exciting.
 It was fun.
 It was interesting.
 It was informative.

 It was slow.... Three hundred baud is a real drag. but I didn't know it at 
the time.  That was about as fast as I could read!
 It was plenty fast and I was impressed.

 Downloads didn't take long. Most were NEVER over a few thousand bytes, 
maybe 8K.
 Text files that took an hour to read, would take just a few minutes to 
download. Those files could be more than 10Kbytes.

 A BBS screen full(80X23) would only take about 64 seconds to load at 300 
baud. By the time is was loaded, you already knew what was there.

 It would be fun if someone could poll the group to see what percentage of 
us has....

"been there, done that!"

 I would do this, but I don't know how.


I'm waiting  for the 80X23 issue 

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