[Coco] Re: War games T-shirt

Brad Grier bradgrier at cox.net
Sun Jan 29 20:52:28 EST 2006

Members of the band can be seen playing Polaris in "This Is Spinal Tap". 
I believe Michael McKean's character even mentions a "submarine game".

Torsten Dittel wrote:
> I remember a movie I've seen on TV in 1984 which was called "Swamp
> Thing" (not the TV show, not the sequel "Return of the Swamp Thing"), I
> think it's this one
> http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0792846494.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg
> and I remember a CoCo appearing there to make the cheap backdrop of that
> B-movie look more like a lab. It was displaying some random lines in
> circles in PMODE3 on the screen. Maybe I've been only dreaming, I dreamt
> a lot when I had 14 years... ;-) Can anyone confirm it? I should buy the
> movie just to prove that, I guess it's one of those 5$ DVDs.
> Any other movies showing the CoCo? We should have a collection of screen
> shots in a gallery on coco3.com...
> Torsten

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