[Coco] PC-to-CoCo data transfer techniques

Steve Ostrom smostrom at mn.rr.com
Mon Feb 13 00:38:13 EST 2006

Roger Taylor wrote:

> I'm trying to build a good custom serial cable for doing 
> bi-directional transfers between a PC and a CoCo.
> What I've done so far resembles the connection on the following page 
> for "Null modem with partial handshaking".
> http://www.lammertbies.nl/comm/info/RS-232_null_modem.html
> In my tests from CoCo BASIC, I can PRINT#-2 to my PC (I'm using 
> COMIT.EXE from Windows), as long as the bitbanger pin #2 (Printer 
> Busy) is held high, and I POKE 150,41 for 1200bps.  Comit only does 
> 300,1200,2400,... etc.  No 600 (default for CoCo BASIC).
> I'm sure that from a CoCo telecom program, I can do two-way transfers 
> if CoCo pin #2 (Data In) is connected to the PC's Transmit pin.
> I'm using the PC's "COM1" port (DB-9) but I want to use my laptop's 
> LPT1 port the same if possible, or connect a USB-to-serial adaptor to 
> obtain a DB-9 serial port that acts like a "COM1" port.
> Also... somehow I've got this used 5-pin DIN (CoCo cassette style) to 
> (3 x RCA) cable that I've been using to CLOADM programs right into my 
> CoCo from my PC.  I can play a .WAV file of a cassette recording and 
> the CoCo CLOADMs it right in.  My question is, why can't any of Jeff's 
> programs work from Windows?  This guy has got to move into the Win32 
> world.  MS-DOS is ancient history.  I've managed to get casout.exe to 
> produce .wav files from .cas files but it insists on ASKING for an 
> output filename instead of letting me specify it on the command line.  
> If I could do this, I could integrate it better into Portal-9 and 
> allow for your assembled objects to be sent directly over to a CoCo by 
> using nothing more than a DIN-5 to 1/8 phono plug cable for connecting 
> to the PC's sound out jack.

Roger, how does this differ from Cloud-9's Drive Wire cable and 
software?  Just curious.

-- Steve --

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