[Coco] Video adapters

Mark Marlette mark at cloud9tech.com
Thu Apr 27 10:56:45 EDT 2006

We will try it at the fest. :)

Quoting Chris Hawks <chawks at dls.net>:

> ---Reply to mail from RJRTTY at aol.com about [Coco] Video adapters
>> In a message dated 4/26/06 10:56:47 P.M. Eastern  Daylight Time,
>> chawks at dls.net writes:
>>>    Since they both  connect to the Coco3's RGB output, probably not.
>>> But, If someone wants to  build an RGB 'Y' cable, we can try it.
>>> Right, Roy?
>>> ---End  reply
>>> Christopher R. Hawks
>>> HAWKSoft
>> You can do that BUT  the input resistance of my converter is 50 ohms.
>> If Christopher's device also  has a low DC resistance (50-75 ohms) then
>> one or the other must increase it's  resistance to avoid overloading the
>> outputs in order to use them  simultaneously..
>> By the way Chris, if your converter  doesn't have a 50-75 ohm
>> input resistance on the RGB signal lines (not on the  sync lines)
>> then try applying this amount of parallel input resistance and  see
>> if the image improves.   The output circuits where designed to drive
>> this type of load.
>    The input resistance of the color lines on the RGB to S-Video adapter
> is actually 150 ohm (easier for the voltage divider to drop the signal
> down to the AD724 spec). So a 'Y' cable might work.
> ---End reply
> Christopher R. Hawks
> HAWKSoft
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The only "intuitive" interface is the nipple.  After that, it's all learned.
>    -- Bruce Ediger, bediger at teal.csn.org, on X interfaces
> --
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