[Coco] S-Video

Chris Hawks chawks at dls.net
Fri Apr 14 10:12:48 EDT 2006

---Reply to mail from John Kowalski about [Coco] S-Video

> Hi Chris,
>>and if I [disconnect?] the Chroma connection on the S-Video, blue disappears

    Opps! Yes.

> On mine, blue alone still generates a Luma signal although it is darker than
> red or green alone (green being brightest).  Technically, this is normal
> because the NTSC standard gives different weights to red, green and blue -
> blue getting the short end of the stick because it's perceptually the
> darkest color.
> That aside, I *do* think the AD72x maybe goes a little too far with the
> blue.. to the point where it appears a bit fuzzy and undefined compared to
> red and green.  Because the chroma and luma are generated inside the chip
> itself, there isn't much you can do to tune the blue.
> Honestly, the improvement wasn't significant enough for me and I eventually
> removed them to just use the AD724's Chroma and Luma as-is.

    Yeah, I tried some of the same and it wasn't worth the effort.

Still, it's a great display (for a TV in 80 columns)! Thanks for the input.

---End reply

Christopher R. Hawks
Do, or do not.  There is no try.
    -- Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back

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