[Coco] New Scam

johnadonaldson at comcast.net johnadonaldson at comcast.net
Fri Sep 30 15:21:35 EDT 2005

The county keeps records of who was sent a summons and a list of names is
generated and checked against who shows up. Those people that did not show up are contacted and given one more chance to show up. After that the police get into the act. It is the questions that are asked by the lawyers that detrmine if the person is unsuitable, more for the defendent or more for the proscution.

John Donaldson

-------------- Original message -------------- 

> How can they prove you were served with a notice? And doesn't doing that 
> heavily bias the jury in favor of the defendant? 
> N 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: 
> > The scary thing about this SCAM is, I just found out that here in Texas, 
> > they are actively going after those people that DO skip jury duty with 
> > high fines and arrests. 
> -- 
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