[Coco] NT: BASIC educate

L. Curtis Boyle curtisboyle at sasktel.net
Mon Nov 21 10:01:32 EST 2005

On Sat, 19 Nov 2005 12:03:54 -0600, Glen VanDenBiggelaar  
<glenvdb at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, all,
> I thought I would ask a question about BASIC, that's been bugging me for  
> 25 years. Before I got my first CoCo (83) I learned BASIC on the old  
> PET. one of the first things I discovered was that the "PRINT" statement  
> could be substituted for just "?" (a question Mark). I then used this on  
> many Apple 2's, C64's, and ultimately on the CoCo.
> My question is:
> How come this is not documented anywhere in the Tandy Manuals, or in the  
> many programs in Rainbow, etc? Is using this flaky? Is it just bad  
> educate? or is it just to confusing for some? I know its just saving 3  
> keystrokes, but when you are typing in a 6 page program, it does save a  
> bit of time.
> -Glen

     There are 2 fairly standard, cross platform shortcuts: '?' for PRINT,  
and a single quote "'" for REM. I think the original Coco 1 manual did  
mention this somewhere, although, like you, I also used it on the Pet and  
Apple II+.

L. Curtis Boyle

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